Oct 03, 2024  
National University Volume 86-2 Catalog - September 2023 
National University Volume 86-2 Catalog - September 2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grading Policies & Procedures


Minimum Grade Requirements

The University considers the following to be the minimum passing grade by course-level:


D = 1.00


C = 2.00

Doctoral Sequence

(CMP9000 to CMP9599 and DIS9000 to DIS9599)

S = N/A

Doctoral Sequence

(CMP-9600+, DIS-9901A+)

B = 3.00

NOTE: Doctoral students are required to have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA before entering into CMP courses (portfolio, or prospectus). 

Students earning a grade below the minimum must repeat the course or take an alternate course as described below (refer to Repeating Grades, Repeating Doctoral Sequence Courses, and Unsatisfactory Grades for Doctoral Students).

Assignment Deadlines & Final Course Grades

Course policies and procedures regarding the submission of assignments and late submissions are published in all course syllabi. Assignments submitted after the course end date will not be graded or calculated in the final grade for the course.

Assignment Submission and Return 

The Academic Week at the University begins on Monday and ends the following Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. Arizona time. Assignment due dates are mandatory. Coursework may not be submitted before a course start date. Faculty who receive work before a course start date should return the work with an explanation of the submission policy. Each assignment’s due date must be met. In addition, coursework should not be accepted after the course end date and/or approved course extension end date. Faculty are expected to review and return assignment feedback in a timely manner. The recommended assignment response times vary by program-level and course deliverables:

Incomplete Grades

Incomplete grade requests are student-initiated requests to extend a course. Students may request a maximum of one incomplete grade extension per course when an unforeseen circumstance impacts their ability to complete a course by the scheduled course end date. To request an incomplete grade extension, students must submit the completed Incomplete Grade form in NCUOne to their faculty member for review prior to the course end date. Faculty may approve requests at their discretion and should consider the eligibility requirements listed on the Incomplete Grade form when rendering a decision. Incomplete grade request decisions
are final and cannot be appealed.

NOTE: The following Doctoral courses are not eligible for an incomplete grade extension:

  • DIS-99XXA, B, and C

Repeating Undergraduate & Graduate Content Courses

When an undergraduate or graduate content course has been repeated, the credit used in computing the grade point average is the grade and credit hours earned the last time the repeated course was taken. When a course is repeated, the original course grade will be changed to an “R” (retaken). Some courses may not be eligible for an “R” grade; students should work with their Academic and Finance Advisor to determine course repeat eligibility.

If an alternate course is taken to meet degree requirements for a non-passing course, the grade for both the alternate course and the non-passing course will appear on the student’s transcript and both grades will be used in computing the cumulative GPA.

Students will be required to pay tuition for repeated or alternate courses.

NOTE: Content courses may only be repeated once without prior approval from the Dean or the Program Chair. A denial of a third attempt of a required course or a third failed grade in any course listed on a student’s degree plan as required for graduation will lead to dismissal.

Exception: Passing grades earned in graduate-level courses that are completed as part of a conferred University undergraduate degree will not change to an “R” grade if they need to be retaken to satisfy the minimum grade requirements in a University Master’s degree program.

Maximum “R” Grade Policy

A student may utilize the “R” grade a maximum of five times in their current program (as defined by the Re-entry Enrollment Policy). If a student retakes a course after they have earned five “R” grades, the original grade and the grade earned during the retake will both appear on the transcript and be used to calculate GPA.

Unsatisfactory Grades for Doctoral Sequence Courses

CMP Courses


Students who receive a “U” grade in a CMP-9000 through CMP-9599 course must repeat the course. Students who receive three “U” grades in the CMP9000 through CMP9599 course will be subject to dismissal from the University.


Students who earn a non-passing grade in a CMP-9600 through CMP-9799 course must repeat the course. Students who earn three non-passing grade in the CMP-9600 through CMP-9799 course will be subject to dismissal from the University.

DIS Courses


Students who receive a third “U” grade in a DIS9000 through DIS9599 course is subject to dismissal from the University. This applies to any combination of three “U” grades in the DIS9000-DIS9599 course sequence, whether the three grades are received in the same course or a different course.


Students who are unable to earn a minimum passing grade of “B” or better by the fourth course within a block of courses (DIS-99XXA, DIS-99XXB, DIS-99XXC, and DIS-99XXD) are subject to dismissal from the University.

Repeating Doctoral Sequence Courses

Students enrolled in course codes CMP-9600 through CMP-9799, and DIS-9901A through DIS-9914D, may be eligible to earn a Repeated Doctoral Sequence (“RD”) grade for courses that were originally completed with a non-passing grade if subsequent attempts are completed with a “B” or better. Courses awarded an “RD” grade will not be used in GPA calculations. Some courses may not be eligible for an “RD” grade; students should work with their Academic and Finance Advisor to determine Doctoral Sequence course repeat eligibility.

NOTE: A dissertation block consists of a 12-week dissertation course (DIS-99XXA) and three, 8-week supplemental courses (DIS-99XXB, DIS-99XXC, and DIS-99XXD). For non-passing grade(s) to be replaced, students must successfully complete the dissertation block with a grade of “B” or better by the end of the third supplemental dissertation course (DIS-99XXD). Students who earn a non-passing grade in a dissertation block will be automatically scheduled and accepted into the appropriate supplemental course without a break in scheduling to ensure that students remain in continuous enrollment throughout the doctoral sequence.

Maximum “RD” Grade Policy for Doctoral Sequence Courses

A student may utilize the “RD” grade a maximum of fourteen times during the Doctoral Sequence (CMP-9600+ and DIS-9901A+). During the dissertation block, a student will be allowed a maximum of three “RD” grades per dissertation block.

ADA Course Accommodations

Students receiving ADA accommodations that extend their original course completion date are also eligible for Dean approved course modifications and incomplete grade extensions beyond approved ADA accommodation date.

Administrative Course Codes

Administrative course codes do not contribute to GPA calculation.

Code Explanation
DR (Dropped)

The “DR” course code is assigned when a student cancels participation in a course during the first seven (7) days of a course session for non-term programs, and fourteen (14) days for term-based programs and did not complete an academically related activity that met the University’s attendance policy. Dropped courses only appear on the student’s transcript when the student has posted attendance in a course prior to dropping the course on or before the seventh day. Students dropping a course are eligible for a full or partial refund in accordance with the University’s refund policy.

NOTE: Courses where attendance was posted that received a “DR” course code will
have an asterisk next to them in the student portal.

EXT (Extension)

An “EXT” course code is assigned when a course is extended past the original course end date. “EXT” are used for administrative purposes and will be replaced with a final academic letter grade once the extension period ends.

NOTE: If an academic letter grade has been posted prior to an extension approval, the “EXT” course code will replace the grade until the extension period ends and a final grade is determined.

I (Incomplete) Grade An “I” grade is assigned when a faculty member grants a student an incomplete grade extension. “I” grades are used for administrative purposes only and will be replaced with a final academic letter grade once the incomplete extension period ends.
NG (No Grade)

The “NG” course code is authorized for use by the Office of the Provost or Registrar to address administrative errors or specific accommodations as approved by
leadership. The “NG” course code remains permanently on the University records but does not appear on the student’s transcripts.

R (Retaken) An “R” grade is indicated on the transcript when the student repeats an undergraduate or graduate content course and the original grade awarded has been superseded by the later grade (see exceptions listed under Repeating Courses).
RD (Repeated Doctoral Sequence) An “RD” grade is indicated on the transcript when the student earns a non-passing grade in CMP9600+ or a dissertation block course (DIS-99XXA, DIS-99XXB, DIS-99XXC, DIS-99XXD) and repeats the CMP course or completes the subsequent course within the same dissertation block with a grade of “B” or better (see Repeating Doctoral Sequence Courses).
W (Withdrawal)

A “W” is assigned when a student cancels participation in a course during the course withdrawal period. Students who attend a course past the 7-day drop period  or 14 day drop period for term-based JFK School of Law at National University programs, are eligible to request a course withdrawal. Course withdrawal requests that are submitted prior to the student attending 71% of the course will be issued a “W” grade.

Students who request a course withdrawal after attending 71% or more of a course will be issued a letter grade for the course that they are withdrawing from based on their academic performance in the course at the time of the course withdrawal.

“W” grades appear on student transcripts and do not contribute to GPA calculation.

WL (Withdrawal Military Leave) “WL” indicates that a student has taken a Leave of Absence due to Military Deployment before the course end date. Students returning from a Military Leave of Absence may continue in the course where left off without paying course tuition again. When completed, the “WL” will be replaced by the final academic performance grade.