Mar 13, 2025  
NCU Catalog - December 2016 
NCU Catalog - December 2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Award Package Notification and Appeals

Students receive notice of their financial aid awards via an award letter. Students are also informed of their right to make changes and the process for requesting changes in the financial aid package.

A student may request a change to the award by the later of the first day of the payment period or 14 days after the student is notified of the award. The student may make changes to the offered amounts by contacting the Financial Aid Office.

Students who wish to appeal an awarded amount may do so by contacting the Financial Aid Office. The student’s request must meet the requirements for a Professional Judgment, and the student must follow the Professional Judgment process.

Northcentral University does not disburse the loan until the borrower is notified of the proposed loan package and the time given to respond, 14 days, has elapsed. The borrower only needs to take action if he/she wants to decline the loan or make adjustments to the amount of the loan.

Award Revisions

Once an award letter has been issued to a student, an appeal or other circumstance may require a change to the original notification. The Financial Aid Office reviews a student’s circumstances, makes an adjustment to the award, and sends a revised award letter as soon as possible. The revised award letter supersedes the original award notice, which is then no longer valid.

The Financial Aid Office will routinely consider a revision in a student’s aid package when any of the following occurs:

  • There is conflicting information in the file.
  • There are changes resulting from verification.
  • An error has been made by the Financial Aid team member.
  • There is a change to the student course schedule.
  • Additional funding has been identified.


An overaward occurs when the student’s disbursed financial aid (federal, institutional, and outside aid) and other resources exceed the cost of attendance for the award period. There are several possible reasons why overawards occur:

  • The student has additional resources greater than those used to calculate the award.
  • The Financial Aid Office has inadvertently made an error.

Also, the student may have intentionally deceived or misrepresented information in order to obtain funds. If a determination is made that an overaward has occurred because of fraud, the Financial Aid Office will report the suspected fraud to the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Education. Before reducing an aid package because of an overaward, the Financial Aid Office attempts to eliminate the overaward by:

  • Increasing the student’s budget using allowable expenses, or
  • Adjusting the EFC. or
  • Adjusting undisbursed funds for the current payment period (all undisbursed financial aid funds are adjusted in the case of an overaward).

If eliminating the over award is not possible, the Financial Aid Office reduces aid in the next payment period and requests that the student be billed for any remaining amount due.