Oct 02, 2024  
National University Volume 87-2 Catalog - September 2024 
National University Volume 87-2 Catalog - September 2024

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the information presented in the Catalog, and to know and observe all regulations and procedures relating to the program they are pursuing. In no case will a regulation be waived or an exception be granted because students plead ignorance of, or contend that they were not informed of the regulations and procedures included in the Catalog. Responsibility for following all policies and meeting all requirements and deadlines for degree programs rests with the student.

Admission Requirements from the current online catalog, in effect at the time of a student’s enrollment, are the official sources and permanent references governing the terms of a student’s enrollment. Students who fall out of continual enrollment may be subject to administrative withdrawal from the University. Students who re-enter after dismissal or withdrawal may be subject to re-entering the most current program version at the time of their re-entry. For additional information, please refer to the Denied Admissions  policy.

Well-Being and Safety

The University is committed to providing students with an environment free of discrimination or harassment. Please see the University’s Code of Conduct for additional information. In addition, community resources exist to provide students with information and support relating to personal well-being and safety, such as:

Further, when requested by a victim, the University will facilitate changes in a victim’s transportation and working situations, in addition to academic and living situations, as reasonable and appropriate.

Students with Disabilities

It is the policy of National University, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal and state disability nondiscrimination laws, that no student shall, based on their disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination under, any University program or activity.

National University is committed to providing students with disabilities an equal opportunity to access the benefits, rights, and privileges of University services, programs, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate to the students’ needs.

National University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities to ensure all students have an equal opportunity to benefit from and access programs and services. “Reasonable accommodation” means a reasonable modification or adjustment that enables qualified students with disabilities equal access to programs and services.

Under the law, “reasonable accommodation” may include, but is not limited to, removal of barriers to access of the physical facilities or programs, “academic adjustments” such as modification of academic requirements, policies, and procedures, and “auxiliary aids” such as texts in alternate media, interpreters, readers, and other similar services and actions.

Student Accessibility Services cannot authorize the following:

  • Extended breaks between courses or leaves of absence
  • Special funding, discounts, or waivers for course fees
  • Vocational rehabilitation funding or scholarships
  • Additional time to complete a program
  • Waivers of the University policies, including admissions, academics, or financial
  • Fundamental alterations to courses and programs that can have an impact on the essential academic requirements.

Student Accessibility Services Office

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) at National University, through collaboration with the campus and the community, is committed to empowering students with disabilities and providing equal access to higher education through the provision of academic support services, technology, and advocacy to promote student persistence and graduation. SAS provides disability consultation, coordination of support services, and accommodations for all eligible students with disabilities.


SAS provides a variety of services designed to assist the National University community, including students, faculty, and staff. SAS offers services that allow students with disabilities to participate fully in all facets of the learning experience.

  • Students with disabilities are equipped with tools to promote self-advocacy, independence, learning, and goal attainment.
  • Faculty and staff are provided resources and guidance to assist with the creation of accessible on-site and online learning experiences that foster engagement and interaction with all students.

Requesting Accommodations and Services

National University can modify academic requirements as necessary to ensure that such requirements do not discriminate or prohibit the participation of qualified applicants or students with a disability if the modification does not fundamentally impact the course or program in which the student is participating. Fundamental alterations can include but are not limited to, changes to curriculum and program revisions that impact accreditation or University requirements. Modifications may include changes in the length of time permitted for the completion of the degree requirements, substitution of specific courses required for the completion of degree requirements, and adaptation of the manner in which specific courses are conducted. In course examinations or other procedures for evaluating a student’s academic achievement, National University shall provide methods for evaluating the achievement of students with disabilities that impair sensory, manual, or speaking skills as will best ensure that the results of the evaluation represent the student’s achievement in the course, rather than reflecting the student’s impaired sensory, manual or speaking skills, except where such skills are the factors that the test purports to measure.

The University will take necessary steps to ensure that no qualified disabled student is denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination because of the absence of educational auxiliary aids. Auxiliary aids may include texts in alternate format, interpreters, or other effective methods of making orally delivered materials available to students with hearing impairments, readers in libraries for students with visual impairments, classroom equipment adapted for use by students with manual impairments, and other similar services and actions. Accommodations that would fundamentally alter the nature of the program, cause undue hardship on the University or jeopardize the health or safety of others cannot be provided. Reasonable accommodations must specifically address the functional limitations of the student’s specific disability.


Students seeking accommodations and services due to a disability should contact SAS. A SAS Counselor will discuss potential accommodations and required documentation with the student. Students are encouraged to register with SAS and make accommodation requests as far in advance as possible; accommodations are not retroactive.

Students seeking to register with SAS are required to:

  1. self-identify to SAS,
  2. submit an application,
  3. provide documentation of a disability from the appropriate licensed professional,
  4. participate in an interactive appointment with a SAS Counselor.

SAS will provide a letter confirming eligibility for services and detailing approved curriculum accommodations to eligible students with disabilities following the completion of the registration process. Information related to the registration process can be found at www.nu.edu/sas.

Disability Documentation

Disability documentation must be signed by a licensed physician, psychologist, audiologist, speech pathologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or other professional healthcare provider. Documentation should indicate the student’s current level of functioning with respect to the major life activity impacted by the disability. The diagnostic report should include, where appropriate, recommendations for specific accommodations and explain why the accommodation is recommended. In some situations, the University may request additional documentation. The cost of obtaining professional documentation of a disability is the student’s responsibility. Additional information regarding documentation is located at www.nu.edu/sas.

Accommodation Determination

SAS will consider all materials, consult with relevant faculty when necessary and afford qualifying individuals with appropriate accommodations. The student may provide additional input from an appropriate professional at the student’s expense if the student or SAS deems such input necessary to determine eligibility for services or the appropriateness of a specific accommodation requested.

Once a student is approved to receive accommodation(s), a SAS Counselor will provide an accommodation letter to the student. It is the student’s responsibility to present this letter to his/her instructor in a timely fashion, preferably within the first three days of the term/course, to allow sufficient time to arrange any prescribed accommodation(s). A student may or may not elect to use the accommodation(s). Students are encouraged to speak with their professor regarding their accommodations and to review which accommodations they plan to use.

Students requesting and approved for on-site testing accommodations near an established Testing Center are required to complete a Testing Accommodations Orientation at least two weeks prior to their first exam request for in-course exams. For on-site tests, students are also required to complete an On-site Test Accommodation Request Form. Completed forms are due to SAS at least five business days prior to the exam or quiz date to allow sufficient time for the arrangement of test accommodations, including but not limited to extended test time, distraction-reduced setting, etc. In addition, students are required to read and follow the Test Accommodation Policies and Guidelines. The Testing Accommodations Orientation documents, the On-site Test Accommodation Request Form, and the Test Accommodation Policies and Guidelines are located at www.nu.edu/sas in the section entitled Accessibility Forms and Guides.

Providing advanced notice: students needing captioning and/or interpreting must request these services using the appropriate request forms located at www.nu.edu/sas. Faculty and staff are encouraged to communicate with deaf and hard-of-hearing students using electronic mail or web-based chat. If the student uses text telephone (TT) or video phone, use the California Relay Services by dialing 1-800-735-2922 (English), or 1-800-855-3000 (Spanish).

Faculty who receive a request from a student for a curriculum accommodation due to a reported disability should request an accommodation letter from the student. If the student informs the instructor that they do not have such a letter or are not registered with SAS, the faculty member should direct the student to SAS, providing them with the contact information. In addition, the instructor should contact SAS to discuss any questions or seek additional guidance. Any disability-related information that a student gives to the faculty member is to be used only for making the curriculum accessible for the student and may not be disclosed to any parties without written consent from the student. Instructors are not authorized to deny a student an approved accommodation unilaterally. Instructors who disagree with a particular accommodation prescribed for a student and included on the official accommodation letter should contact SAS for immediate consultation and discussion.

If a student would like to request additional accommodations, additional documentation and an additional interactive appointment may be requested.


National University (NU) offers classes in two possible instructional modalities: a one-to-one model and a class-based model. In a one-to-one model course, each student is assigned to a professor who will work individually with that student throughout the course.  Courses generally begin each Monday. In a class-based model, multiple students are assigned to start the course simultaneously with one professor, often involving discussion boards or other student-to-student interactions.  These courses begin monthly at the designated time of the course calendar.

As a unified department, a standardized accommodation approach will be adopted for all new students. Students who were previously enrolled in a one-to-one model through NCU will be offered the opportunity to remain in their one-to-one model through their program completion or merge into a class-based model, with the understanding that once they move, they will not be able to switch between modalities after that selection. Students offered the option to remain in their one-to-one model or change to a class-based model will understand that their accommodations will reflect the model in which they are enrolled.

Students who choose to remain in a one-to-one model will be offered an opportunity to revise their accommodations or maintain their current approvals. If the standardized approach negatively affects their academic progress, they will be granted a one-time offering to return to their NCU legacy accommodations. Once selected, one-to-one students understand that their accommodations will remain as is until they complete their program or transfer to a class-based model. Students who transfer to a class-based model understand that there is a possibility of a change in accommodations to reflect the change in course modality. Accommodation approval will remain an individualized process dependent on the student’s diagnosis and documentation. Students who transfer to a class-based model will meet with a SAS Accommodation Counselor to review their accommodations and discuss any changes that may be necessary. 

All inquiries regarding accommodations for either modality should be directed to SAS at sas@nu.edu.  

Denial or Insufficiency of Accommodation

If a student is denied an accommodation or believes that the accommodation approved is insufficient, the student may appeal to the ADA/504 Coordinator, who will render a decision within seven days of receipt of the appeal or before the start date of the next course, depending on which occurs first. The decision of the ADA/504 Coordinator is final.

Problems in Receiving Approved Accommodations

If a student believes they are not receiving an accommodation specified in their letter, they should immediately contact SAS for assistance at sas@nu.edu


SAS is committed to ensuring all information and communication about a student’s disability is maintained as confidential as required and/or permitted by local, state, and federal laws and regulations. To that end, the following guidelines govern the use and disclosure of information shared with the SAS office staff.

  1. This information is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). All records received and kept by SAS are considered educational records. All documentation is kept in secure electronic files, and immediate access is limited to the SAS staff and managers.
  2. Personally identifiable information will not be disclosed to persons outside the University without the expressed written permission of the student, except in accordance with local, state, and federal laws or pursuant to a court order or subpoena.
  3. Personally identifiable information will be shared with other University employees, faculty, and other officials only when the requestor maintains a legitimate educational interest. In such a case, the SAS staff will disclose only information pertinent to the request and in the student’s best interest.
  4. If a student wishes to have information about their disability shared with others outside of the institution, the student must provide written authorization to SAS at sas@nu.edu to release the information.
  5. A student has the right to review their own SAS file with reasonable notification. Any student wishing to review their records should contact SAS at sas@nu.edu.

Student Accessibility Services

Phone: 858.521.3967

Email: sas@nu.edu

Web: http://www.nu.edu/sas

Students Who Believe They Have Been Subject to Discrimination Based on their Disability

National University students and employees (including the SAS office staff) abide by the Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Nondiscrimination Policy, as found on the NU website and in the General Catalog.

It is our sincere hope that no member of our community experiences discrimination, harassment, misconduct, or violence based on their actual or perceived membership in a protected category. If that has occurred, please know that any person may file an informational report (whether or not the person reporting is alleged to have experienced the conduct). A report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by choosing the appropriate reporting form at this link: www.nu.edu/reportit, or in person, by mail, by telephone, by video, or by email, using the contact information listed below for the Title IX Coordinator/ADA 504 Coordinator.

ADA/504 Coordinator

Douglas Sheppard, ADA/504 Coordinator 
9388 Lightwave Ave.
San Diego, CA 92123
Telephone: (858) 309-3538
Office Email: adacoord@nu.edu
Email: dsheppard2@nu.edu 

Title IX Coordinator

Heather Tyrrell, Director, Institutional Equity

Office of Institutional Equity
9388 Lightwave Ave.
San Diego, CA 92123
Telephone: (858) 640-8087
Office Email: oie@nu.edu
Email: htyrrell@nu.edu

Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination


The scope of this policy applies to all staff, faculty, third-parties conducting business on behalf of the University, and all students. The core purpose of this policy is the prohibition of all forms of discrimination. Sometimes, discrimination involves exclusion from or different treatment in activities, such as admission, or employment. Other times, discrimination takes the form of harassment or, in the case of sex-based discrimination, can encompass sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, dating violence or domestic violence.

The University adheres to all federal, state, and local civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in employment and education. The University does not discriminate in its admissions practices, in its employment practices, or in its educational programs or activities on the basis of sex. As a University of federal financial assistance for education activities, the University is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to ensure that all of its education programs and activities do not discriminate on the basis of sex. Sex includes sex, sex stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and pregnancy or parenting status.

The University also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internal or external to the institution. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of sex discrimination, which are prohibited under Title IX and by the University’s policy.

Any member of the community, guest, or visitor who acts to deny, deprive, or limit the educational, employment, residential, or social access, opportunities and/or benefits of any member of the University community on the basis of sex is in violation of the Title IX Policy.

Policy & Procedure

Any person may report sex discrimination (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to have experienced the conduct), by mail, by telephone, by video, or by email, using the contact information listed for the Title IX Coordinator (below). A report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by electronic email or by voicemail.

Questions regarding Title IX, including its application and/or concerns about noncompliance, should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. For a complete copy of the policy or for more information, please  contact the Title IX Coordinator.

Who to Contact

Individuals who believe they have experienced sex discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation in violation of University policy should contact the following:

Title IX Coordinator

Heather Tyrell

Office Location: Remote Employee

Mailing Address: 9388 Lightwave Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123

Telephone: (858) 642-8087  Email: htyrell@nu.edu

University Code of Conduct Related to Harassment 

The University does not condone harassment or abusive behavior. Harassment, physical abuse, threatening comments, or intimidation of any person on University owned or controlled property or at University sponsored or supervised functions, or conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any member of the University community or any other person or persons. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to stalking, cyber stalking, harassment, and retaliation as a result of complaints or alleged misconduct.

Report It

Notice or complaints of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation may be made using any of the following options:

1) File a complaint with, or give verbal notice to, the Title IX Coordinator. Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number or email address, or by mail to the office address, listed for the Title IX Coordinator or any other official listed.

Because reporting carries no obligation to initiate a formal response, and as the University respects Complainant requests to dismiss complaints unless there is a compelling threat to health and/or safety, the Complainant is largely in control and should not fear a loss of privacy by making a report that allows the University to discuss and/or provide supportive measures.

A Formal Complaint means a document submitted or signed by the Complainant or signed by the Title IX Coordinator alleging a policy violation by a Respondent and requesting that the University investigate the allegation(s). A complaint may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator by phone, by mail, or by electronic mail, by using the contact information in the section immediately above, or as described in this section. As used in this paragraph, the phrase “document filed by a Complainant” means a document or electronic submission (such as by electronic mail or through an online portal provided for this purpose by the University) that contains the Complainant’s physical or digital signature, or otherwise indicates that the Complainant is the person filing the complaint, and requests that the University investigate the allegations.

If notice is submitted in a form that does not meet this standard, the Title IX Coordinator will contact the Complainant to ensure that it is filed correctly.


The University Title IX Coordinator maintains oversight for review and investigation of complaints of this nature. All investigations will adhere to practices set forth by Federal Guidelines.

Protection Against Retaliation

The University is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, that are free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. To ensure compliance with federal and state civil rights laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational program or activity, the University has developed internal policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of discrimination or harassment on the basis of protected class status, and for allegations of retaliation. The University values and upholds the equal dignity of all members of its community and strives to balance the rights of the parties in the grievance process during what is often a difficult time for all those involved.

Student Consumer Information

Federal Student Consumer Information Requirements 
National University (NU) consumer information provides a suite of important University information, disclosures, policies and procedures. Per the Higher Education Opportunity Act, this information is intended to provide an assortment of pertinent and helpful information to prospective students, current students, their families, support persons, and other interested parties. This consumer information includes resources to academic policies, financial aid resources, general institutional information, health, safety & security items, student services, admissions expectations, and a variety of other areas. NU’s consumer information is also available on the University’s website at: https://www.nu.edu/consumer-info/.  

Notice to Enrolled Students

National University (NU) Student and Financial Services team annually emails each enrolled student a Notice of Availability of financial assistance and institutional and consumer information, including FSA Penalties for Drug Law Violations, links to the University’s graduation and completion rates and retention rates reported to IPEDS, campus security reports, and student rights under FERPA. Information will also be linked in new student Enrollment Agreements so all students are provided with the information in the Enrollment process. Students who have any questions or would like to meet with one of the University’s dedicated financial aid advisors may reach out at financialaid@nu.edu or 1-800-NAT-UNIV, ext. 8500. 

Financial Aid Information 

Financial Aid Programs Available at National University 

National University (NU) offers eligible students access to Federal and State loan and grant programs. 

Federal Student Aid (FSA) Grants
Federal Pell Grant 

This grant program helps students with tuition costs. This program assists students who are working toward a first bachelor’s degree. 

  • Award Range for 2024-2025 Award Year: $740 to $7,395
  • Applications: FAFSA 

The Federal Pell Grant Program is an entitlement program for students pursuing their first undergraduate degree. Students must demonstrate financial need to qualify. Students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree are not eligible for Federal Pell Grant funds. 

The Federal Pell Grant Program is federally funded with the purpose of helping financially needy students meet the cost of postsecondary education. This program is centrally administered by the federal government and is typically the foundation of an undergraduate student’s aid package. 

In order to determine eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant, NU must receive the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in the form of a valid Institutional Student Information Report (ISIR) from the Department of Education’s Central Processing Service (CPS). The Federal Pell Grant Scheduled Award is based upon the official Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and the Federal Pell Grant Cost of Attendance (COA). The University uses Pell Formula 4 to determine a student’s eligibility and award. Students may be eligible to receive up to 150% of their Pell Grant Scheduled Award for an award year. This provision is called  “Year-Round Pell” or “additional Pell”. Students eligible for Year-Round Pell awards are subject to the normal duration of eligibility rules and LEU limits. A student’s maximum duration of Pell Grant eligibility is six scheduled awards, as measured by the percentage of lifetime eligibility used (one scheduled award equals 100% lifetime eligibility used). A student is ineligible to receive further Pell Grant funds if they have reached or exceeded the 600% limit. 

All Undergraduate students enrolled at NU are considered to be full-time students for purposes of calculating the Federal Pell Grant Scheduled Award. The amount of Federal Pell Grant awarded is based upon the length of the payment periods to be funded and the EFC indicated on the student’s valid SAR/ISIR. The portion of the enrollment that is funded based upon a particular year’s SAR/ISIR depends upon the student’s payment periods that begin in that year. Payment periods are normally funded from the year in which they begin. 

When a payment period falls into two award years (crosses over July 1st), it is called a “crossover payment period.” The University will assign crossover payment periods to the award year that best meets the needs of its students and maximizes a student’s eligibility over the two award years in which the crossover payment period occurs. 

For an academic year, the student is awarded the full Federal Pell Grant Scheduled Award determined by the EFC and COA. When less than a full academic year is to be funded, the Scheduled Award is prorated appropriately. 

Federal Pell Grant funds are generally scheduled for disbursement at the beginning of each course, or payment period, in conjunction with the achievement of Satisfactory Academic Progress. The funds scheduled represent, at maximum, funding for all credits that should be earned during the payment periods to be funded from the appropriate award year. 

Federal Student Aid (FSA) Loans 
Direct Subsidized Loan 

This loan program assists undergraduate students with educational expenses. Interest doesn’t accrue while you are attending and enrolled in at least a half time status. The interest rate and origination fees are fixed. More information about specific interest and origination rates can be found at https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans/interest-rates. Repayment is not required while you are attending school and maintain at least half-time enrollment. Students are allowed a six month grace period when they cease attendance of attend less than half-time. More information about loan repayment can be found at https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/repayment.

Direct Subsidized Loan Amount: For each academic year, a student may borrow:

  • Up to $3,500 as a first-year undergraduate
  • Up to $4,500 as a second-year undergraduate
  • Up to $5,500 as a third-, fourth-, or fifth-year undergraduate

Date funding begins is based on each student’s individual program of study.

Direct Unsubsidized Loan

This program is available to undergraduate, graduate and professional students to assist with educational expenses. Interest accrues while you are attending. More information about specific interest and origination rates can be found at https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans/interest-rates. Repayment is not required while you are attending school and maintain at least half-time enrollment. Students are allowed a six month grace period when they cease attendance or attend less than half-time. More information about loan repayment can be found at https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/repayment.

  • Up to $9,500 as a first-year undergraduate
  • Up to $10,500 as a second-year undergraduate
  • Up to $12,500 as a third-, fourth-, or fifth-year undergraduate
  • Up to $12,500 as a fifth-year undergraduate credential student
  • Up to $20,500 as a graduate student
  • Up to $33,000 as a graduate student in certain health professions

Dependent student’s Direct Unsubsidized Loan amount eligibility may vary.

Aggregate Loan Limits
  • Dependent Undergraduate: $31,000 ($23,000 maximum subsidized)
  • Independent Undergraduate: $57,500 ($23,000 maximum subsidized)
  • Graduate: $138,500 ($65,500 in subsidized)
  • Graduate in certain health professions: $224,000 ($65,500 in subsidized)

Note: The graduate loan limit includes any Direct Loans borrowed as an undergraduate. Students may view their borrowed loan amounts via NSLDS. A link to the NSLDS website is available via the University’s consumer information or directly at: https://www.nu.edu/administrations/financial-aid-and-scholorships/financial-aid-programs/.

Direct PLUS Loans

Direct PLUS Loans are available to parents of dependent undergraduate students and graduate or professional students to assist with educational expenses not covered with other financial aid. PLUS loans aren’t based on need and require a credit check.

Federal Direct Loan Interest Rates and Fees

Interest rates and origination fees vary depending on when your aid is disbursed. Specific rates and fees are available on the FSA website. A link to the FSA website in available via the University’s consumer information page or directly at: https://www.nu.edu/admissions/financial-aid-and-scholarships/financial-aid-programs/.

Institutional Information

Net Price Calculator (NPC)

National University (NU) provides prospective students with a calculator designed to give them an early indication of how much and what types of financial aid they may qualify for if they were attending school full-time in the academic year indicated. The goal is to provide students with a clear picture of options and opportunities so they may make more informed decisions about their college choices. A link to the College Board’s NPC is available on the University’s consumer information page at https://www.nu.edu/consumer-info/.

Cohort Default Rates (CDR)

National University (NU) provides prospective students with the University’s annual FSA loan default rate to give them an indication of how many students who borrowed FSA loan funds from the University are not paying back their FSA loans. The goal is to provide students with an indicator regarding the percentage of students who do not repay their loans after graduating or withdrawing from the University. A link to NU’s current and prior two year’s default rates is available on the University’s consumer information page at: https://www.nu.edu/consumer-info/.

Tuition and Fees

National University (NU) provides prospective students with a straightforward, easy to understand tuition and fee structure that includes a cost per course tuition rate and minimal additional fees. NU attempts to keep book costs and other miscellaneous program fees to a minimum. Upon enrollment, each student is informed of any additional fees that are not included in the cost per course tuition rates. National University (NU) tuition and fee costs for all of its programs are available on the University’s consumer information page at: https://www.nu.edu/consumer-info/.

Completion or Graduation Rate

National University (NU) annually prepares its graduation rates and makes these rates available to enrolled and prospective students via its consumer information page at: https://www.nu.edu/consumer-info/.

National University reports disaggregated graduation rates by gender, major racial and ethnic subgroups (as defined by IPEDS).

The “Student Right to Know” or IPEDS graduation rate tracks the progress of students who began their studies as full-time, first-time degree or certificate-seeking students to see if they complete a degree or other award such as certificate within 150% of “normal time” for completing the program in which they are enrolled. NU does not disaggregate SRTK graduation by recipients of Federal Student Financial Aid recipients as the number is too small (30 students at last reporting) to disclose or report and protect student privacy. Not all students are tracked for these rates. Students who have already attended another postsecondary institution, or who began their studies on a part-time basis, are not tracked for this rate.

Student Right to Know graduation and retention rates can be found on the NCES website at: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?q=national+university&s=all&pg=2&id=119605#retgrad.

NU graduation rates for all students can be found on the NU graduation rate dashboard on the student achievement website at: https://studentachievement.nu.edu/institutional-data.html.

Graduate diversity is also available as a Graduate Report as part of the Student Demographics dashboard.

NU graduation rates for all students can be found on the NU graduation rate dashboard on the student achievement website at: https://studentachievement.nu.edu/institutional-data.html.

NU does not calculate job placement rates and thus does not provide the following consumer information: Job Placement Rates, Placement in Employment, and Types of Graduate and Professional Education in which the Institution’s Graduates enroll.

Annual Security Report

National University (NU) recognizes that crime prevention is the responsibility of each person working at, attending school at, or visiting a University facility. Crime prevention is best served by the vigilant surveillance of the premises and reporting any suspicious personal behavior. The University is, therefore, committed to providing a safe environment for learning and working.

The Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires the distribution of an annual security report to all current faculty, staff, and students and notice of its availability to prospective students, faculty and staff. The annual security report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings, or on property owned or controlled by National University, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also include institutional policies concerning campus security such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention and the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters.

NU’s current and past annual security reports are available on the University’s consumer information website at: https://nu.edu.our-university/annual-safety-and-security-report/. The annual report is released in January of each year by the Legal/Regulatory department. A paper copy will be provided upon request.

Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications

National University (NU) recognizes that crime prevention is the responsibility of the University and each person working at, attending school at, or visiting a University facility. Crime prevention is best served by the vigilant surveillance of the premises and reporting any suspicious personal behavior.

The University’s Emergency Operations information line is 1(844)-AlertNU or 1(844) 253-7868. This recorded information line is updated in the event of a campus emergency.

Reporting Health and Safety Concerns

Students, faculty, staff, and guests should immediately report health and safety concerns to campus or security personnel. If a campus security officer cannot be reached, request to speak with the center director or another staff member since they will be able to assist in reaching the security officer. The Campus Safety and Security team may be reached directly via their main line (858) 642-8892, mobile line (619) 405-4208, or email safety@nu.edu.

For concerns that are not an immediate health or safety concern, visit www.nu.edu/reportit to connect with the appropriate department.

Emergency Procedures

University team members are advised to program the following numbers in their mobile phones in the event of an emergency and should note that campus phone will require “9” to be entered to reach an outside line. Incidents occurring on any campus can be reported to the Director of Security for immediate assistance.

  • Office Phone: (858) 642-8191
  • Mobile Phone: (619) 405-4208
  • Safety & Security Office: (858) 642-8892

All work-related injuries or illnesses must be reported to Human Resources within 24 hours:

If an incident is in progress and someone is unable to call but has access to email, a message will need to be sent instead to incidents@nu.edu. This notifies Human Resources, Information Technology, Regional Operations and Safety & Security. All Security Officers are equipped with a cell phone. Please contact your Center Director for your officer’s number.

Active Shooter

If an active shooter is in the vicinity: RUN.HIDE.FIGHT

  • Remain calm. Survey your surroundings for a safe escape route.
  • RUN. Relocate to a safe location.
  • If there is an escape path, attempt to evacuate to a safe location.
  • Leave your belongings behind. Staying out of harm’s way is your top priority.
  • Help others escape, if possible.
  • Prevent others from entering the area.
  • Call 911 when you are safe. Report location of injured and if possible, description of the assailant.
  • Hide. If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide.
  • Loco and/or blockade the door.
  • Silence your cell phone.
  • Hide behind large objects, out of the assailant’s view.
  • Remain very quiet.
  • Prepare to evade or defend.
  • Fight. As a last resort, and ONLY if your life is in danger.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the intruder.
  • Act with physical aggression.
  • Improvise weapons
  • Commit to your actions

When Law Enforcement Arrives:

  • Remain calm and follow instructions.
  • Keep your hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid pointing or yelling.
  • Know that help for the injured is on its way.
  • Wait for further instructions. Do not drive away unless instructed to do so.

Building Evacuation

  • When an alarm sounds or an emergency is communicated, evacuate the building IMMEDIATELY.
  • Pull the fire alarm if you discover a fire.
  • Do not lose your life over your possessions. If time allows, take your keys and cell phone.
  • CLOSE but do not lock doors as you leave.
  • Look for the nearest doorway marked EXIT and/or proceed to the nearest safe stairway and exit the building quickly.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Be certain all persons in the area are evacuated, if possible.
  • Help those who need special assistance.
  • Report immediately to the designated assembly area for a head count. Report anyone missing or injured.
  • Wait for instructions from emergency personnel. Do not leave until told to do so.



  • Decide where you can take cover when tremors start.
  • Clear the area underneath your desk of boxes or other items.
  • Store your Grab-in-Go bag underneath your desk or table.
  • Secure bookshelves or partitions to walls.
  • Keep overhead bins locked.
  • Prepare a kit for home. (3 day supply of food & water, First Aid kit, blankets, flashlights, radio, and batteries).
  • Store a pair of shoes and flashlight in a bag and tie it to your bedpost.
  • Establish an out-of-state contact.
  • Join your local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)


  • Resist the urge to panic and flee. Remain calm.
  • Protect yourself from falling or flying objects.
  • Get under or beside something that is sturdier than you.
  • Stay away from large windows, shelving systems, or tall room partitions.
  • DROP onto your hands and knees and take cover underneath a desk, table, or stairwell; or beside an interior wall or sofa.
  • Do not stand in doorways. Doors can swing violently, resulting in smashed or broken fingers.
  • COVER the back of your head and clasp your hands behind your neck. Bend over to protect your vital organs.
  • If you are in a wheelchair, set your parking brake, lean forward and cover your neck with your hands and arms, or other items.
  • Close your eyes and mouth to protect against dust and debris.
  • HOLD ON to desk or table legs so that you can remain covered; or on to a sofa leg. Be prepared to move with your shelter.
  • Remain sheltered until shaking stops.
  • Prepare for aftershocks, power outages, sounding alarms, activated fire sprinklers, and noise from broken glass, creaking walls, or falling objects.
  • If you are inside, stay inside.

If you are outside:

  • Resist the urge or running towards a building
  • Drop down to your hands and knees
  • Cover your head with your arms, clasping your hands behind your neck.
  • Bend over to cover your vital organs and hold on
  • If you can move safely, relocate to an open area away from overhead power lines, building facades, or windows.

If you are at a desk or table located near a window:

  • Get underneath the desk or table and pull in a chair as close as you can to protect yourself from flying glass.

If you are driving:

  • Gradually decrease speed and pull over to the side of the road.
  • Do not stop under overpasses or bridges.
  • Set you parking break.
  • Turn on the radio and listen to emergency alerts.
  • If a power line falls on your car, call 911 and remain inside your vehicle. Do now touch windows, doors, or any metal surfaces.

If you are in a stadium/theater/auditorium/classroom

  • DROP to your hands and knees, in between the seats.
  • COVER your neck with your hands and arms. Bend over to cover your vital organs.
  • HOLD ON to a chair leg with one hand, while protecting your head and neck with your other arm.
  • Close your eyes and mouth to protect against dust and debris.

If you are sitting in a restroom stall.

  • Bend towards you knees.
  • Cover your head with your arms to protect yourself from falling objects.
  • Close your eyes and mouth to protect against dust and debris.

If at the grocery store:

  • Resist the instinct to run.


  • Retrieve your dusk mask from your GRAB-n-GO bag and use it to cover your nose and mouth.
  • Check your surroundings before leaving your shelter or bed.
  • Be careful of any debris such as broken glass.
  • Do not attempt to evacuate unless absolutely necessary.
  • If evacuating, take all essential items (jacket, purse/wallet, cell phone, car and house keys, laptop, etc.) and your Grab-n-Go bag.
  • Survey your immediate area for trapped or injured persons and ruptured utilities.
  • Provide care for injured and resolve any issues such as chemical spills or other hazards.
  • Be prepared for aftershocks by relocating to a safe are and not running.
  • If possible, notify your out-of-state contact.

Campus Crime Log

National University (NU) provides a Campus Safety and Security team and maintains a crime log for all campuses. This log is available on its consumer information website at: https://nupublicresources.blob.core.window.net/campussecurity/nu-crime-log.pdf.

Other General Disclosures

Consumer Protection Policies

Privacy Policy

National University (NU) is committed to protecting the privacy of students, faculty, team members and all other stakeholders. NU values its users’ privacy and has created a Privacy Policy (Policy) to assist in the understanding of how it collects and uses personal information from those who visit its website or make use of its online facilities and services, and what it will and will not do with the information it collects. The NU policy has been designed and created to assure those affiliated with NU of its commitment and realization of its obligation not only to meet, but to exceed, most existing privacy standards. This Policy does not govern the collection and use of information by companies that NU does not control, nor by individuals not employed or managed by NU. This policy is designed to provide the following:

  • What personally identifiable information is collected through its website;
  • Why NU collects personally identifiable information and the legal basis for such collection;
  • How NU uses the collected information and with whom it may be shared;
  • What choices are available regarding the use of data; and
  • The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of information.


In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, all National University student records are confidential. Generally, information pertaining to a student record is not to be released to a third party without written or authorized electronic consent via a FERPA release form, judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena.

FERPA Rights

FERPA sets out requirements designed to afford students certain rights with respect to their education records. In addition, it puts limits on what information NU may disclose to third parties without receiving prior written consent from the student via a FERPA release form, an authorized signature on another document or a lawfully issued subpoena or judicial order.

NU Registrar’s office maintains student educational records, provides students access to their records, and keeps information contained in those records confidential as required by FERPA.

Student Educational Records

NU maintains student educational records, provides students access to their records, and keeps information contained in those records confidential as required by FERPA. FERPA covers anyone who is or has enrolled at the University, including;

  • Active students currently enrolled in a program
  • Former students and alumni
  • Administrative team members, full-time faculty members, and part-time faculty members

When operating websites, NU must take special measures to ensure the confidentiality of the information is protected. A privacy statement appears on the websites that explains what information NU may collect through our websites, why NU collects such information, how the information is protected, and the choices stakeholders have about how NU uses the information.

The University safeguards this information and to ensure the stakeholders are protected.

The University maintains Enrollment, Financial Aid, and Disciplinary documents for up to five years and Transcript documentation indefinitely.

Vaccination Requirements

National University does not require students to provide proof of vaccination status as most student-related interactions are remote.

Students who are completing in-person clinicals, internships, or student teaching are subject to the external facility’s vaccination requirements.

Copyright Infringement and Fair Use 

NU is committed to adhering to the provisions of the United States Copyright Law, including peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing. To learn more about our related policies and procedures, please see the  

   and    policies. 

Student Code of Conduct

NU has a Code of Conduct that supports the University mission to provide access to higher education opportunities that help students become valuable contributors to their communities and within their professions. Each student is expected to understand the terms and conditions set forth in the

  and conduct themselves with academic honesty and personal integrity. 

Student Grievance Process

In the event that a student has a complaint or a dispute with the University regarding the University’s application of policies and procedures, its decisions, or judgments, the student has a right to seek a satisfactory resolution through the formal avenues of a grievance.

NU encourages students to attempt to resolve all issues internally with their Academic and Finance Counselor and or Faculty members. This procedure support timeliness, quality, accountability, and ensures that the appropriate institutional levels are involved and resolve matters in an efficient and effective manner. Additionally, it allows those closest to the problem the ability to extend the highest levels of support services.

Academic and Finance Counselors will coordinate and collaborate with required team members, department, and or Schools in pursuit of a student’s required response. This ensures that the process is in accordance with policy and reviewed by the necessary parties required to properly address the issue at the appropriate institutional level.

Expected Escalation Levels for Resolution

  • First level- Academic and Finance Counselor/Faculty
  • Second level- Team Lead and or Associate Director of Student Financial Services
  • Third level- Sr. Director of Student and Financial Services/Dean or designee
  • Fourth level- VP Operations- Student and Financial Services/Office of the Provost (Depending on the nature of the issue)
  • Fifth level- Grievance

NOTE: Dissertation Students are required to work through problems and concerns with their Committee Chair. If a student is unable to resolve an issue with the Chair regarding dissertation protocols, then the student may use these resolution methods.


A grievance is a formal complaint that has not been resolved at other levels within the University. Resolution is viewed as being afforded due diligence and has been evaluated in accordance with ethics, academic integrity, policies, regulations, and laws. A grievance is not another channel of escalation in the case a decision was not made in the student’s favor.

Grievance Evaluation

Formal grievances are reviewed by the Provost and are considered final. Students can file a grievance through their Academic and Finance Counselor if all other steps noted above have been attempted without appropriate resolution.

NOTE: Students may not grieve the stated or published policy of NU. 


An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The bureau may be contacted at: 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833, through their website https://www.bppe.ca.gov/, by phone at 916-431-6959 or by fax at 916-263-1897.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information

National University’s (NU) drug and alcohol abuse prevention program and policy is designed to present students and team members of the University with official notification of the applicable policies and penalties related to controlled substances (illicit drugs) and alcohol, as required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. Students and team members of the University are required to be aware of and abide by the standards and provisions outlined in this policy statement. NU will distribute this policy to students and team members on an annual basis.

The use, consumption, sale, purchase, possession, manufacture, or distribution of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, and/or alcohol while on University property or while engaged in University activities is prohibited.  All students and team members are subject to this policy and to applicable federal, state and local laws related to this matter. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary actions as set forth in the applicable sections of this policy. NU recognizes that students and team members may, in accordance with the federal, state, and local laws, choose to use alcohol on their own time. Additionally, the University retains the right to grant limited exceptions to this policy only for the moderate consumption of alcohol during University- sponsored events or meals at which the University deems such moderate consumption to be acceptable.

Students and team members should be aware that there are criminal penalties- under federal, state, and local law- that make it illegal to use, manufacture, sell or possess controlled substances. Students must also be aware that there are federal financial aid penalties for drug-related convictions- received prior to and/or while receiving aid- that can affect student eligibility to receive federal financial aid. For additional information regarding financial aid and the implications of drug-related convictions, please visit the Office of the US Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid website.

NU urges individuals with substance abuse problems to seek assistance and support. Students are encouraged to seek help through available national and community resources and hotlines, including, but not limited to, the following examples:

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCAD)

Telephone: 1-800-NCA-CALL (622-2255)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Telephone: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Website: http://www.samhsa.gov/

Treatment Finder: https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA)

Telephone: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Website: http://www.niaaa.nih.gov

Treatment Finder: http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/support-treatment

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Telephone: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Website: http://www.drugabuse.gov/

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Telephone: see local telephone directories

Website: http://www.aa.org/Al-Anon

Telephone: 1-888-425-2666

National Cocaine Hotline

Telephone: 1-800-COCAINE (262-2463)

Addiction Group

Telephone: (855) 217-2693

Website: https://www.addictiongroup.org

Treatment Information: https://www.addictiongroup.org/treatment/

Team members are eligible to participate in the University’s Employee Assistance Program at no additional cost. Team members are encouraged to contact Human Resources with additional questions.

There are serious physical and psychological health implications associated with the use and or abuse of drugs and alcohol that vary based on the frequency, extent, and intensity of consumption. When consumed in excess, drugs and alcohol can also lead to overdose or death. Drug use can cause changes in the brain that result in memory and cognition problems or lead to more severe consequences such as seizures, stroke, and possible brain damage. Alcohol use can impair brain function and motor skills; excessive use can increase the risk of certain cancers, stroke, and liver disease. Drug and alcohol use while pregnant may result in a number of health complications for the fetus such as premature birth, miscarriage, and low birth weight. For more information on the use of drugs and or alcohol and its effects on the brain and body, visit the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.

Students and team members found participating in the use, consumption, sale, purchase, possession, manufacture or distribution of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, and or alcohol while on University property or while engaged in University activities shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions on a case by case basis. Students are expected to conduct themselves professionally and refrain from acts of misconduct set forth in the Student Code of Conduct published in NU’s Catalog. Suspected acts of misconduct or violations of this policy should be reported to the appropriate authority for review and submission of the Suspected Code of Conduct Violation form. Substantiated violations may result in disciplinary sanctions, up to and including expulsion from the University. Team members are expected to observe high standards of ethical, moral ,and  legal business conduct as outlined in the Code of Conduct and Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct published in the Team Member Handbook. Violation of these standards of conduct or this policy may result in corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. Suspected violations should be reported to a member of leadership or the Human Resources office.

New employees will receive a copy of this policy during the New Employee Orientation process, and all other employees will receive their annual notice of the policy during the annual Compliance Training process as implemented by Human Resources.

New students will receive a link to the policy on their Enrollment Agreements, with all other students receiving their annual notice no later than August 31.

Voter Registration Information

National University (NU) provides voter registration information for its students on its consumer information website at: https://www.nu.edu/consumer-info/.

The National Mail Voter Registration Form can be used by U.S. citizens to register to vote, update registration information due to a change of name, make a change of address, or to register with a political party. The national form also contains voter registration rules and regulations for each state and territory. In order to use this form for state registration purposes, the citizen must follow the state- specific instructions listed for their state. After completing the form, it must be signed and sent to the state or local election office for processing.

For more information about registering to vote, contact a state-specific election office. To register to vote by following your state-specific instructions and using the National Mail Voter Registration form, go to https://www.eac.gov/voters/national-mail-voter-registration-form.

Consumer Information Review Process

Topic Team Responsible Annual Review Due Date Remediation Due Date Annual Notice Required? Method of Notice
Annual Notices to Enrolled Students^ Student & Financial Services June 30 July 31 Yes Email
Financial Aid Info^ Student & Financial Services June 30 July 31 Yes Website
Institutional Info^ Academic Affairs June 30 July 31 Yes Website
Completion/Grad Rates^ Data Operations July 31 August 31 Yes Website
Annual Security Report* Legal/Regulatory January 31 February 28 Yes Website
General Disclosures^ Academic Affairs June 30 July 31 Yes Email
State-Required Consumer Information^ Academic Affairs June 30 July 31 No Website
Accrediting Agency Information^ Academic Affairs June 30 July 31 Yes Website
Title IV Loan Counseling~ Student & Financial Services June 30 July 31 No Email

*Students will be notified no later than February 28 by the Legal/Regulatory team that the annual Security Report is available on the National University website, with paper copies available upon request.

^An annual notice with links to all required annual disclosures will be sent out no later than August 31 by the Student & Financial Services team.

~Counseling information will be provided to each student on a case-by-case basis.

Entrance Counseling will be communicated to new financial aid- receiving students by the Academic & Financial Advisor team, as needed, in the packaging process.

Exit Counseling will be communicated by the Processing team either during the R2T4 process if a student withdraws, or within 30 days of the student completing their degree program.

State-Required Consumer Information

State Authorization of Distance Education

National University (NU) researches and monitors state authorization requirements in each state and continues to make good faith efforts to secure the appropriate authorization and/or licensure to offer online programs in each state for student enrollment. NU may have programs that are unauthorized in various states and is therefore unable to offer those programs to students residing in states.

States have varying rules, requirements and regulations that govern online (distance) education offered by out-of-state postsecondary intuitions. These rules require higher education institutions that offer distance education to state residents to either register, obtain licensure or certification approval, a letter of exemption, or other certification from the relevant state agencies. For states in which NU lacks a physical presence, which may be defined differently by state, the University is not required to obtain authorization. Many of these regulations also apply to field experience (e.g., internships, practicums, clinicals, etc.) in the state.

State Relocation Notice

Students who relocate while enrolled may be unable to complete their studies if they are moving to a country or state where the University is not currently authorized to offer that particular program. Prospective students should contact their Admission Advisor to discuss hot relocation could alter their eligibility, while current student should contact their Academic Advisor if they are considering relocating during their course of study.

Since the University must be authorized/approved to offer programs in each state, there may be consequences for applicants and students who relocate to a state or country where the institution does not meet state requirements or has yet to be approved. There are also program limitations even in states where the university is authorized/approved; for states with an authorized/approved status, applicants/students may not be able to apply, continue, or change to a particular program, as not all programs may be approved by a state licensing authority. In these cases, these programs cannot be offered to students residing in that state.

Professional Licensure/Certification

Some programs offered at National University may not provide all the educational requirements necessary for professional licensure or certification in a student’s state or country. Prospective and current students should review the University’s Licensure Disclosures for more information related to these programs. Individuals considering an online program that leads to a professional license/certification should be aware that requirements for professional licensure can vary drastically by state, and thee requirements can change frequently and often without notice. While a program may originally meet the educational requirements for licensure, changes in requirements could impact the program’s ability to meet any new educational requirements.

Students considering an online program that leads to professional license in a state are highly encouraged to contact the appropriate licensing agency and organization(s) in that state to seek information and additional guidance before beginning the program; and students should also continually monitor changes throughout the program as licensure requirements may change over time.  Many licensure boards require more than successful degree completion to obtain a license, such as completion on an examination(s), test(s), background check(s), internships/practicum hours, and other requirements determined by the respective state board. It is the responsibility of the student completing the licensure program to check with the respective state licensing board(s) for the most recent information, rules and requirements. National University is not responsible and cannot be held liable if the student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum/internship location.

State-Regulated Refund Policies for Online/Distance Learning

Tuition refunds for students enrolled in online programs who reside in certain states will be issued in accordance with the policies required by the laws and regulations of those states. However, if the University’s standard refund policy is more beneficial to those students, the University will follow its standard Refund Policy. State-specific refund policies are listed in the Financial Policies section. 

Student Consumer Information

The National University Consumer information page at https://www.nu.edu/consumer-info/ provides links to a suite of important National University information, disclosures, policies and procedures. Per the Higher Education Opportunity Act, this information is intended to provide an assortment of pertinent and helpful information to prospective students, current students, their families, support persons, and other interested parties. This information webpage includes resources and links to academic policies, financial aid resources, general institutional information, health, safety & security items, student services, admission expectations, and a variety of other areas. See https://www.nu.edu/consumer-info/.

National University is currently registered, licensed, authorized, have a letter of exemption or lack of physical presence in the following states:


Each institution of higher education is required to provide all prospective and current students with the contact information for the state agency, or agencies that handle complaints against postsecondary education institutions offering online (distance) learning within that state.

If a prospective or current student has a complaint, we encourage you to resolve them informally or formally through Student Services before submitting a complaint to an external entity. Please contact our Student Concierge Service at 1-866-NU-ACCESS (1-866-682-2237) or email scs@nu.edu with any concerns or questions. Should a student wish to file a complaint in their home state, they should select the state contact per above.

Accrediting Agency Consumer Information

National University (NU) shares with students that accreditation is a process of institutional peer review performed by objective, not-for-profit external agencies and that the goal of accreditation is to ensure institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality. These agencies evaluate colleges, universities and educational programs for continuous quality. In other words, accreditation is a higher education seal of approval for schools, employers, and most importantly, for students. Students who earn a degree at a regionally accredited institution can be confident that the quality of education, and commitment of an institution to maintain and improve quality, meets the standards of the accrediting body.

Since 1977, NU has been accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). The commission accredits institutions rather than  individual programs. Therefore, in addition to assessing the academic quality and educational effectiveness of institutions, the Commission emphasizes institutional structures, processes, and resources. The accreditation process is aimed at:

  • Assuring the Community of Quality
  • Developing and Applying Standards
  • Promoting a Culture of Evidence
  • Promoting Engagement
  • Developing Adaptive Systems
  • Promoting the Exchange of Ideas

Title IV Loan Counseling

National University (NU) ensures all undergraduate student loan borrowers who have not received a prior FSA loan disbursement and all graduate PLUS loan borrowers who have not received a prior FSA graduate PLUS loan disbursement receives entrance counseling prior to their first disbursement.

Entrance Counseling

National University (NU) identifies first-time borrowers and notifies those students via email regarding the entrance counseling requirements and directs them to the Department of Education’s online tool at www.studentaid.gov. NU will not disburse FSA loan funds prior to verifying the student’s entrance counseling is complete.

Exit Counseling

National University (NU) identifies students who have withdrawn, enrolled and failed to return, or graduated from their program of student and notifies those students, via email within 30 days after they complete their program or the date they were determined to have left their program, regarding the exit counseling requirement and directs them to the Department of Education’s online tool at www.studentaid.gov

Assessing Student Learning in Programs and Academic Program Review

The National University community is actively engaged in knowing what students are learning and using that information to guide program improvement. Standards of performance are measured on an ongoing basis through National University’s regular assessment cycle, which exists in relationship with the mission, values, and strategic planning of the institution. The annual assessment process, where learning outcomes assessment occurs, is called the Academic Program Annual Review (APAR). Within the context of the APAR process, all degree programs as well as the undergraduate general education program are required to articulate Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) that indicate the standards of performance expected of each program graduate. The annual APAR provides for regular and ongoing opportunities for faculty engagement and reflection based on learning results. Both qualitative and quantitative data are critical components of the APAR. On an annual basis, degree programs collect and assess student performance relative to the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs). In most programs, direct assessment strategies collate data from individual instructors’ assessments of student work from their own courses utilizing a course-specific rubric or exam question associated with one or more of the CLOs. Additionally, student exit surveys or focus groups are analyzed against benchmarked standards. The University’s Five-Year Program Review (FYR) identifies the strengths and seek out areas in which improvements can be made to the academic program of study that will correspondingly enhance the learning experience and academic success of its students. The FYR at National University involves significant collaboration among faculty, staff, students, alumni, administration, and appropriate stakeholders. Each review involves a comprehensive internal and external evaluation of applicable course, program, and institutional data to determine current programmatic effectiveness and make informed recommendations for improvement. Curriculum mapping, comparison of learning outcomes to industry standards for disciplinary competencies (as applicable), use of diverse learning strategies, review of syllabi across the program and modalities for quality and meeting of the credit hour are explored. Additionally, end-of-course student evaluations include student comments and provide a useful tool for improving course content and faculty performance.

Constitution Day

Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution at the Philadelphia Convention on September 17, 1787. National University encourages students and faculty at all levels to learn more about the Constitution and the U.S. government by exploring the links below.

