Mar 10, 2025  
National University Volume 87A-2 - December 2024 
National University Volume 87A-2 - December 2024

Diploma Application and Degree Conferral

Degrees and certificates are not awarded automatically upon completion of academic requirements. To be considered as a candidate for a degree or certificate, students must submit a diploma/graduation application via their student portal. Submitting a diploma/graduation application triggers a final degree audit. The audit process confirms that the student has met all academic and programmatic requirements.

A student’s program completion date is dependent on the modality of the program. Students taking courses that are designed with classes of multiple students or groups (i.e., class-based students) the conferral date will be the third Sunday of the month. Students that take courses in the One- to- One model, the conferral date will be the end date of the last course in their program. These dates will be used as the student’s degree conferral and diploma date.

If a doctoral student successfully defends their dissertation prior to the end date of the last dissertation course, the University will use the date the student defended their dissertation as the degree conferral and diploma date.

Class-Based Example:  The end date of the last course is March 12th; The third Sunday of the month is March 19th.  The degree conferral date and diploma date is March 19th.

One-to-One Example: The end date of the last course is March 19th; the doctoral student defends their dissertation on March 8th. The degree conferral date and diploma date is March 8th.



Students who demonstrate exceptionally high academic progress in the undergraduate programs are eligible for graduation honors.  Students must have earned at least 30 semester/45 quarter credits with letter grades (A through F) at NU for honors to be determined. Honors for associate and baccalaureate degrees are determined only by courses taken at National University. Academic honors are posted to the diploma and final transcript when the degree is conferred. 

Students completing an Undergraduate program may qualify for the following honors: 

  • Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors) = GPA 3.90 +
  • Magna Cum Laude (with high honors) = GPA 3.70 - 3.89
  • Cum Laude (with honors) = GPA 3.50 - 3.69


Students in a master’s program whose grade point average (GPA) is 3.85 or higher will graduate “With Distinction.” Prerequisites completed at the undergraduate level are not included in the calculation of the GPA for graduation with distinction. In the calculation of eligibility, the official cumulative GPA is truncated to two decimal places. 

Earned distinctions are noted on diplomas and official University transcripts.

Students must have earned at least 27 semester/40.5 quarter credits with letter grades (A through F) at NU for master’s distinction to be determined.

Juris Doctor

Juris Doctor students who have completed their degree requirements, have completed at least 39 of the 62 required numerically graded units in residence at the JFK School of Law at National University, and have taken no more than 17 terms (including summers) to complete their degree requirements are eligible for graduation with honors as follows:

  • Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors) = GPA 3.66 +
  • Magna Cum Laude (with high honors) = GPA 3.33 - 3.65
  • Cum Laude (with honors) = GPA 3.00 - 3.32

Academic honors will be posted on the students’ transcript and diploma. Please see the Juris Doctor Handbook and Catalog for more information.

Diplomas and Certificates

The student’s legal name in the official record will be printed on their diploma. Students who attended using the One to One model may type out how they want their name to appear on the diploma in the diploma application; however, only minor deviations from the name will be allowed (e.g., omission or inclusion of middle name or suffix, abbreviated or nickname). If a student wants a different name than what is on record, they must complete a change of information request/ Biographical Change e-form prior to submitting the diploma application. Contact the Office of the Registrar for additional assistance.

Diplomas are mailed four to six weeks following the degree conferral date.  The University provides students with one complimentary copy of their diploma. 

Additional graduation and commencement information can be found on the University website at

Students receive one free diploma and diploma cover upon completion of the degree conferral audit and approval process. Students may order duplicate copies of their diploma or an electronic credential. Electronic credentials are only available for students that graduated after February 2021. See Miscellaneous Fees  for more information.